Saturday, April 23, 2011

World's oldest man celebrates his 114th birthday

The world's oldest man celebrated his 114th birthday today with a traditional meal - and says he plans to live until he is 120.
Japanese citizen Jirouemon Kimura had previously  told local officials on his 113th birthday last year that his goal was to reach 120 and he has now confirmed 'that hasn't changed'.     
He made his claim as he enjoyed the celebratory breakfast surrounded by family at his home in Kyotango in the west of the country.

They ate grilled sea bream with steamed rice and red beans as well as miso soup - a meal typical of a special occasion in the country.
He then fielded questions for 50 minutes, where he was described as alert and lucid.

 I take it as a sign from heaven and am deeply moved.'
Mr Kimura said his secret was to eat sparingly, stopping when his stomach was about 80 per cent full.

He added that he had not heard about the massive earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan's northeast coast on March 11, calling it a 'horrendous event'.
Born on April 19, 1897, Mr Kimura worked at the post office for about 40 years before turning to farming after his retirement, continuing until the age of 90.
He had seven children, of whom five are still alive, 14 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 11 great-great-grandchildren.

Kimura now spends most of the day in bed except when he eats three times a day.
According to the Los Angeles-based Gerontology Research Group, Mr Kimura is the world's oldest man since Walter Bruening, a retired railworker, died of natural causes in the U.S. state of Montana last week.
The world's oldest person is a U.S. woman, 114-year-old Besse Cooper, according to the group.
She was born on August 26, 1896.


1 Penyokong CHELSEA:

mcm ni lah on April 23, 2011 at 2:58 PM said...

tinggal jejak utk dijejaki


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