Monday, May 23, 2011

Nela the Baby Gaga

A clinic in Slovakia has found a way to comfort newborn babies that are separated from their mothers for treatment - classical music.
Using regular size headphones that appear gigantic on the babies' tiny heads, the maternity ward in Kosice-Saca hospital has them listening to Mozart or Vivaldi.

During a recent visit to the clinic, chief Dr. Slavka Viragova said the music functions as a replacement for a mother's voice and is helping the babies breathe regularly and maintain a proper heart beat.
It seems to have struck a chord with two-day-old Nela, below.
 Dr. Slavka Viragová, who launched the music project, claims that Mozart helps the infant to recall the mother when she is not with them.

She said: 'The birth trauma is enormously stressful for the baby. Music therapy helps a baby to gain weight, get rid of stress and handle pain better.'
The babies listen to soothing music 5-6 times a day, from Mozart to natural forest sounds. Nurses also use the method to care for premature babies as it helps to stabilise their breathing.


1 Penyokong CHELSEA:

mOon EyEzS on May 24, 2011 at 9:00 AM said...

ArulChelseA pOng ada story sal nih....


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