Sunday, August 7, 2011

Horrifying moment squid comes back to life and jumps off plate

Diners in Japan looking for a moving experience over dinner can now order a squid that dances off their plate.
A restaurant has created a dish, named Odori don - literally meaning dancing squid rice bowl -  by adding soy sauce to a fresh squid.
The high salt content in the sauce reacts with ions in cells of the squids' tentacles creating voltage differences, and making the squid move.

To prepare the dish, chefs at Ikkatei Tabiji, in Hakodate, Japan,  first remove the head of the squid before serving the body, with tentacles intact, over a bowl of sushi rice.
Seasoned soy sauce is then poured over it.
As the squid is served so fresh, when the sauce is added signals across nerve cell membranes are re-activated temporarily, making it 'come back to life'
The body is then removed and prepared by the chef to be served as a side accompaniment.
The meal, which is proving popular with diners, costs around ¥2,000 or £15.30 per person
 The dish is such a success that the restaurant have patented the name of the creation.

Now other restaurants in the area have begun making their own versions of the Hakodate dish, under different names.


3 Penyokong CHELSEA:

Cik tikah on August 7, 2011 at 11:38 PM said...

ewww.. gelilah...

BTS on August 7, 2011 at 11:42 PM said...

ingatkan serve hidup hidup...

Syaffroni Effendy Bin Safar on August 8, 2011 at 4:06 AM said...

kalau ada kat Miri ni, nak jugak test2 sikit ... :)


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