Friday, September 23, 2011

Meet Medusa the world's largest snake

She weighs more than 300lbs, is 25-feet long and it takes 15 people to hold her up and now Medusa is set to slither into the record books as the world's largest snake living in captivity.
The massive reptile, who will be on display at the Edge of Hell haunted house attraction in Kansas City, eats a 40 pound animal about once a week but could easily eat something over 100 pounds.
She will soon be visited by representatives from the Guinness Book of World Records who are coming to verify her new title.

Snake trainer Larry Elgar told NBC Action News he isn't intimidated by the monster python: 'They've actually cut people out of them, they are man eaters.
'Fear is just a lack of understanding. I have no fear. I understand that she can kill me. I've been wrapped up and put unconscious by a reticulated python that was only 18 feet long. 
 'I understand the repercussions, but that's no reason to fear. That car you drove in has killed more people than anything else in the world. But you're not scared when you put your keys in it, are you?'
 Medusa is set to bump Fluffy, a reticulated python, off the top spot. At 24-feet long she held the record for longest snake living in captivity until she died at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Powell, Ohio in October last year.  



3 Penyokong CHELSEA:

Ce'gu JAERA on September 23, 2011 at 4:59 PM said...

mak aiii.. besarnya.. macam kepala dinosour

Rawlins GLAM on September 23, 2011 at 6:41 PM said...

Tak suka ular!!!

MerLe on September 24, 2011 at 2:16 PM said...

aiiii..meremang tbe2


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