Friday, July 1, 2011

The poodle that's been groomed to look like a bear

If this creature bared its teeth and growled at you, your first instinct might be to run away.
But he could easily be appeased with a pat on the head and perhaps a biscuit.
While from a distance his black and white fur coat makes him look like an baby panda, he is actually a poodle who has been creatively groomed, including having his fur strategically dyed. 

Not that he looks that happy about it. The made-up mutt is probably looking forward to the moment he can roll in the mud and return to his former self.
Something of a canine fancy dress contest, this extreme dog grooming is the latest craze among dog owners in China who like to dye their pets to look like other animals.

The Chinese are always quick to embrace bizarre trends, and it is not unusual for owners to take their dogs to grooming parlours where they are not only given a shampoo and trim, but a multi-coloured dye job as well.
The incredible transformations reportedly take eight hours to complete and are particularly popular among pet grooming salons in Beijing.

Aside from being made over to look like pandas, owners have also turned their pets into tigers and raccoons.
The growing trend for extreme doggy makeovers has led to a surge in demand for dog salons and doggy beauticians with figures revealing a 500 per cent increase in the amount of money spent on pets between 1999 and 2008.


2 Penyokong CHELSEA:

Nini D.. on July 2, 2011 at 8:43 AM said...

gile comei!!!...bleh buat dobot jadi cenggini x??

Unknown on July 4, 2011 at 11:10 AM said...

ala...comel....kalau kucing bley buat macam tu kan bagus...


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